
over the weekend

We’ve spent the past two weekends with our families in Sacramento. We’ve been doing some cooking, and now that I look back on it, we’ve pretty darn busy doing lots of other things as well. I’ve got a few recipes and a lot of stories to share.

We went to a Strawberry Festival hosted by our CSA farm, Eatwell Farm. We picked an entire flat of berries and ate ourselves sick on perfect strawberries.

We gave a demonstration about seasonal and local cooking at El Dorado Nursery and Garden. We wrote recipes, shopped, cooked everything outside and impressed our small audience. If you’d like to download our mini-cookbook from the event click here.

Willow had an accident and worried her parents sick. Thankfully, she has recovered and is her happy, silly self again.

My little brother Dallas graduated from high school! We are so proud! Jordan cooked a gigantic asian fusion feast. I failed at fried rice, but succeeded in making a turtle cheesecake with homemade caramel. Recipe to come!

We enjoyed the sporadic good weather, lounging by the pool, walking and reading outside. Willow especially enjoyed this aspect of her suburban vacation.

My mom, sister and I had a girls’ day, complete with Mexican food, antiquing in Old Folsom and a brand new pair of roller skates.

We ate Jordan’s Dad’s awesome BBQ ribs! I love, love, love BBQ! Jordan made a salad with an amazing buttermilk dressing. Recipe to come soon!

We visited with old friends and caught up and made summer plans.

Now we’re back home in San Francisco for a while and there’s plenty of cooking to be done. We’re hungry and hope you are too!


By The Answer is Always Pork

Cooking and Eating in San Francisco

4 replies on “over the weekend”

What a beautiful post, Em. You guys look so happy and relaxed! Sounds like a most wonderful holiday weekend. Great food, great people, great times!

And I could almost taste those northern CA strawberries just seeing them in your photo 🙂 Mmmmmm!

If Willow ever goes missing, it is because I’ve stolen her. If she gets any cuter/if you post any more cute photos of her, I am going to have to!

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