
scrambled eggs with asparagus and cheddar

Jordan and I had a pretty lovely brunch for two last Saturday. The night before I had made a few different tapas. With leftover bits and pieces from that meal, some refrigerator odds and ends and a little inspiration from Jose Andres, we made this surprisingly great dish.

Scrambled eggs with Asparagus and Cheddar, adapted from A Taste of Spain by Jose Andres
A few stalks of asparagus, sliced into 1 inch pieces
1/4 cup shallot, sliced (onion or green onions would work great also)
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 T olive oil
4 eggs
2 T milk
salt and pepper
1 T butter
1/4 cup cheddar cheese, grated (any cheese would probably be just fine)

Whisk together eggs, milk, a good pinch of salt and some pepper. In a nonstick saute pan, saute the asparagus, shallot and garlic in a little olive oil over medium heat. Saute for about 5 minutes until the asparagus is just tender. Remove from the pan and set aside. Turn the heat to low and add the butter.

When the butter is foamy, pour in the eggs. Scramble them taking care to not let the eggs burn or over cook. Runny scrambled eggs are a good and tasty thing. When your scrambled eggs are just cooked, scoop them into a bowl and top with the cheddar and asparagus. Enjoy with some fresh fruit, leftover potatoes, and coffee.


By The Answer is Always Pork

Cooking and Eating in San Francisco

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