about us

the short answer

I’m Emily. He’s Jordan. And we like to cook and eat together. Our days revolve around what we can eat and when we can eat it. We cook, we eat and then we blog about it. As you’ll soon see, despite an undeniable love of pork, we often deviate into other edibles and occasionally even non-edibles. Bon appétit!


the long answer

We started this blog in 2010 as an ambitious project to fill San Francisco’s online restaurant review void, but soon realized that our passion lay more in cooking than restaurant reviewing. Plus, eating out in this wonderful city is dang expensive and devoting ourselves to restaurant reviews just wasn’t in our student/secretary budget. But what does fit in the budget is creating meals at home.

We like good, simple food that’s done right.  We eat with the seasons when ingredients are at their best. We use butter and cream and cheese and don’t feel bad about it. This blog is both where we stretch ourselves and return to old favorites.  We love the vibrant community of food producers and eaters here in San Francisco and are thrilled to be a part of it.

To sum it up, we love food and want to share that with you. It’s our hope that we can help you get dinner on the table and become friends along the way.

-Emily and Jordan

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7 replies on “about us”

Hm, WordPress reader suggested that I make friends with you guys… and honestly, you had me at pork!! Great writing, photography and stories… my husband Aaron and I definitely share a similar food philosophy (bacon makes everything better. Except of course, if you have choice ribs or pork belly. Or fish. Actually, bacon with any of those things wouldn’t be bad). We also love eating out and don’t really have the budget for it… sigh. Oh, and those leather ankle boots of Jordan’s? Super awesome. Aaron has almost exactly the same pair and I’ve wanted to steal them for ages. Darn men and their big feet though. It makes shoe theft impossible (anyway, I digress… following you guys! Love your work!).

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